RotMG Fame Tracker

Pirate Cave Dungeon 1
Forest Maze Dungeon 1
Spider Den Dungeon 1
Forbidden Jungle Dungeon 1
The Hive Dungeon 1
Snake Pit Dungeon 1
Sprite World Dungeon 1
Cave of a Thousand Treasures Dungeon 1
Ancient Ruins Dungeon 1
Magic Woods Dungeon 1
Candyland Hunting Grounds Dungeon 1
Undead Lair Dungeon 1
Puppet Master's Theatre Dungeon 1
Toxic Sewers Dungeon 1
Cursed Library Dungeon 1
Mad Lab Dungeon 1
Abyss Of Demons Dungeon 1
Manor of the Immortals Dungeon 1
Haunted Cemetery Dungeon 1
Davy Jones' Locker Dungeon 1
Ice Cave Dungeon 1
Ocean Trench Dungeon 1
The Crawling Depths Dungeon 1
Woodland Labyrinth Dungeon 1
Deadwater Docks Dungeon 1
Puppet Master's Encore Dungeon 1
Cnidarian Reef Dungeon 1
Sulfurous Wetlands Dungeon 1
Parasite Chambers Dungeon 1
Mountain Temple Dungeon 1
Lair of Draconis Dungeon 1
Tomb of the Ancients Dungeon 1
The Third Dimension Dungeon 1
Lair of Shaitan Dungeon 1
Secluded Thicket Dungeon 1
High Tech Terror Dungeon 1
The Nest Dungeon 1
Cultist Hideout Dungeon 1
Fungal Cavern Dungeon 1
Crystal Cavern Dungeon 1
Kogbold Steamworks Dungeon 1
Lost Halls Dungeon 1
The Void Dungeon 1
The Shatters Dungeon 1
Oryx's Castle Dungeon 1
Oryx's Chamber Dungeon 1
Oryx's Sanctuary Dungeon 1
Wine Cellar Dungeon 1
Malogia Dungeon 1
Untaris Dungeon 1
Katalund Dungeon 1
Forax Dungeon 1
Rainbow Road Dungeon 1
Santas Workshop Dungeon 1
Ice Tomb Dungeon 1
Battle for the Nexus Dungeon 1
Mad God Mayhem Dungeon 1
Beachzone Dungeon 1
Belladonna's Garden Dungeon 1
The Machine Dungeon 1

First Steps (2.5%, +100)

Still need to complete:

King of the Mountains (+5%, +1000)

Still need to complete:

Far Out (5%, +2000)

Still need to complete:

Epic Battles (7.5%, +2000)

Still need to complete:

Enemy of the Court (7.5%, +3000)

Still need to complete:

Tunnel Rat (7.5%, +3000)

Still need to complete:

Explosive Journey (7.5%, +3000)

Still need to complete:

Conqueror of the Realm (+10%, +4000)

Still need to complete:

Travel of the Decade (10%,+5000)

Still need to complete:

Hero of the Nexus (12.5%, +5000)

Still need to complete:

Season's Beatins (12.5%, +5000)

Still need to complete:

Realm of the Mad God (25%, +10000)

Still need to complete: